The Route

20131223-203832.jpgOur Route Starts Bottom Right

At 10:00 on Christmas Eve we will transfer from Mendoza to Penitentes. The journey will take approximately 3 hours by road and we will overnight in the guide’s lodge. On Christmas Day we will start our trek from Punta de Vacas travelling up the Vacas Valley on foot for 5 hours until we reach our overnight camp at Pampa de Lenas (2,800m). Upon arrival we will complete our first medical assessment with the park rangers. This is a mandatory requirement for Aconcagua but this is somewhat unique among high altitude climbs (not mandated in Alps, Himalayas or on Kilimanjaro). On Boxing Day we will continue our trek to Casa de Piedra (3,200m). This will take us approximately 7 hours due to the distance of the leg . Then on December 27th we will complete the third and final trekking section with the destination of Base Camp at Plaza Argentina (4,200m). Upon arrival or on the following day will complete the second medical assessment before being permitted to continue the climb.

Details of the summit legs will follow.

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